Commentary on the so-called Creation/Evolution/Intelligent Design Debate and Right-Wing nuttery in general - and please ignore the typos (I make lots!)

Monday, April 24, 2006

The ARN discussion forum - a constant source of amusement

Man, O man....

That place has some characters on it (including Lifeengineer (Warren Bergerson) and Ilion (Troy Hailey)).

But I was perusing today, and came across this truly amazing post by one 'JGuy', which included such insightful gems as:

If macro-evolution were true (though I say it is not true)... then which of
these would have come first?:---------------------------------------------------


Biceps or Triceps? (and various other opposing muscles sets)[imagine an arm/leg or torso with only one half of the set]

Muscle, Ligament, Joint or Skeleton/bone? [what good is a muscle with no place to attach it..what good is a skeleton with no muscle to move it? What good is either with no ligament to attach one to the other?... or all of the three but no joints to provide a hinge to allow movement?...etc...]

The Eyeball, the hole(socket) in the skull or the hole in the flesh & skin to allow the eye to view outside fo the body?

The eye's horizontal muscles that pulls to the left or the one which pulls to the right?(eyes top or bottom vertical muscle?) (Eyes top or bottom torqueing/twisting muscle?)...

I think it was meant to be serious... Maybe it was a joke... I hope it was...

1 comment:

Doppelganger said...
